Image of numbers on dice Image of numbers on dice Image of numbers on dice
Image of numbers on dice Image of numbers on dice Image of numbers on dice

Teacher Day -

Join us for Teacher Day, an informative and inspiring event for education professionals.

Attend Teacher Day on Wednesday 17 July at Albany Senior School in Auckland, New Zealand.

The theme of Teacher Day is 'Rethinking mathematics education together'.

Registration for Teacher Day is now closed.

Teacher Day programme

Wednesday Jul 17
  • 9.00am - Welcome

    In person
  • 9.15am - Cultivating civic empathy and equity with culturally responsive mathematical modelling

    In person

    Keynote presented by Julia Aguirre and Jennifer Suh.

  • 10.05am to 10.55am - Workshop 1

    In person

    Choose a workshop to attend for this session.

  • 11.00am to 11.25am - Morning tea

    In person
  • 11.30am to 12.20pm - Workshop 2

    In person

    Choose a workshop to attend for this session.

  • 12.20pm to 1.00pm - Lunch

    In person
  • 1.05pm to 1.55pm - Workshop 3

    In person

    Choose a workshop to attend for this session.

  • 2.00pm to 2.50pm - Workshop 4

    In person

    Choose a workshop to attend for this session.

  • 2.50pm to 3.00pm - Closing

    In person

Keynote abstract

Keynote: Jennifer Suh & Julia Aguirre

Cultivating civic empathy and equity with culturally responsive mathematical modelling.

Workshop 1 abstracts

Workshop: Anna Marie Conner and Claire Miller

Using educational robots and argumentation in integrated STEM instruction.

Workshop: Eva Thanheiser

Building community and belonging in the mathematics classroom.

Workshop: Richelle Marynowski, Penny Rose and Nicki Nightingale

Using number talks to improve student numeracy development.

Workshop: Olive Chapman

Supporting students’ development of conceptual understanding in mathematics through exploratory learning.

Workshop: Marta Civil and Fany Salazar

Learning with and from parents: Implications for mathematics education.

Workshop: Keiko Hino, Hisae Kato and Hiraku Ichikawa

Teaching/learning multiplication in Japan.

Workshop: Armando Solares-Rojas and Tatiana Mendoza von der Borch

The Atoyac River Museum: An educational experience for bridging school mathematics, scientific and local community knowledge to deal with local socio-ecological issues.

Workshop: Vince Geiger

Incorporating critical mathematical thinking in secondary classrooms.

Workshop 2 abstracts

Workshop: Mathías A. López and Susanne Strachota

Using seeds of algebraic thinking to identify moments of algebraic potential.

Workshop: Yasmine Abtahi

Teaching mathematics for social and ecological sustainability.

Workshop: Patricio Felmer

Collaborative problem-solving experience.

Workshop: Julia Hill

Understanding and supporting mathematical wellbeing.

Workshop: John Francisco

Promoting students’ reasoning in mathematics classrooms

Workshop: Elena Polotskaia

Modelling clay for schematising and solving story problems.

Workshop: Bethany Woollacott

Exploring and addressing the challenges of reading mathematics.

Workshop: Lynn Hodge and Shande King

Teaching computational thinking through a culturally responsive lens.

Workshop 3 abstracts

Keynote: Jennifer Suh & Julia Aguirre

Cultivating civic empathy and equity with culturally responsive mathematical modelling.

Workshop: Maitree Inprasitha, Narumon Changsri and Nisakorn Boonsena

Connecting unplugged computational thinking in mathematics classroom.

Workshop: David A Reid

Proving across the years.

Workshop: Geillan Aly

Equity and power dynamics in a student-centered classroom.

Workshop: Ergi Acar Bayraktar

The integration of picture books into primary mathematics lessons.

Workshop: Jan Löffert and Jessica Hoth

Developing and using learning environments for geometric shapes in early mathematics education.

Workshop: Dianne Siemon

From additive to multiplicative thinking: Learning from research and practice.

Workshop: Richard Barwell

Disrupting mathematics while teaching for a sustainable future.

Workshop 4 abstracts

Workshop: Audrey Cooke, Jenny Jay, Eva Norén and Maria Johansson

Noticing mathematics in the actions of very young and preverbal children.

Workshop: S Abdelrahim, R Restani, M Jimenez-Silva, T Albano, R Martin

Using children’s texts to support multilingual students’ math identity and problem-solving.

Workshop: Tiana Woolard

Math-based PBL: Using engineering design to level up teaching and learning.

Workshop: Patricio Herbst

Teaching geometry through problems: Opportunities and challenges.

Workshop: Isabel Vale, Ana Barbosa and Isabel Cabrita

Visualisation and paper folding in problem-solving tasks.

Workshop: Alf Coles

Teaching mathematics with socio-ecological issues.

Workshop: Karen Skilling

Identifying students’ engagement and motivation characteristics.

Workshop: Ola Helenius

A structural approach for introducing multiplicative concepts using grid models and number lines.