Incorporating critical mathematical thinking in secondary classrooms -

Workshop presented by Vince Geiger, Institute of Learning Science and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University.


Early Secondary (12 to 15 years) and higher secondary (16 to 18 years)

The capacity to apply mathematics critically is essential for forming balanced judgements and making decisions about economic, health, environmental and other challenges faced by society. This is vital for an informed and contributing society and the development of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) capable workforce. Critical Mathematical Thinking (CMT) involves the application of mathematics to complex real-world problems in a wide range of contexts. Identifying the impact of proposed solutions to real-world problems on individuals and society and how these can be addressed is also a key dimension of CMT. An inability to engage CMT when applying mathematics to real-world problems leads to fewer life opportunities, especially for the marginalised and disadvantaged.

In this workshop, the ideas that underpin CMT will be outlined and discussed. The workshop will include practical examples of tasks (problems) that are being used, in a current project, to engage students with the ideas of CMT. These tasks incorporated both mathematical and social dimensions, for example, the impact of AirBnB on property marks, the impact of regular regional flooding on the lives of those affected, or the planning of a school cake drive that takes into account inclusivity and equity. There will also be an opportunity to discuss how to best introduce such tasks into mathematics classrooms.