Poster presentation -

Poster presentation proposals must be submitted by 1 March 2024.

Submit your proposals for the PME 47 Conference through Conftool.

Poster presentations are intended for research that is best communicated in a visual form rather than an oral presentation. These should describe the research context of the study presented, the study itself and its implications, and focus on the visual aspects of the presentation in particular.

Contributions are not limited to completed research. You may submit ongoing studies, provided that the theoretical framework, preliminary results and a discussion of these results are included in the text. Proposals that represent new and significant contributions to research in the Psychology of Mathematics Education are especially encouraged.

Proposals that are too similar to papers previously presented will not be accepted.

Submission procedure and restrictions

Poster presentation proposals must be written in English. The document may be up to one page long and must be in line with the formatting guidelines provided by the conference organisers. For the peer review process, authors must submit a second, blinded version of their proposal.

IGPME submission checklist for oral communications and poster presentations

Papers that do not conform to the formatting guidelines, exceed the maximum number of pages or which are not accompanied by a properly blinded version may be rejected without further consideration or peer review.

No abstract is necessary for a poster presentation.

Advice on how to prepare a poster paper

Please consider the following before you submit your proposal:

  • Two files must be submitted for each proposal:
    • for publication, a Word file that strictly follows the formatting guidelines
    • for review, a “blinded version” as a PDF file in which it is not possible for a reviewer to infer the authors’ identities from the text, including the references.
  • No revisions are possible after submission. Each contribution is accepted or rejected in the form in which it was submitted.
  • Every pre-registered person may submit up to one poster presentation.
  • The proposal should be submitted by the author who will deliver the presentation during the conference.

Reviewing procedure and criteria

Poster presentation proposals will be reviewed by at least one member of the International Program Committee (IPC). The IPC's decision to accept or reject the proposal will be available after their second meeting in April 2024.

IGPME poster presentation review process

Publication and presentation 

60 minutes will be allocated to poster presentation sessions during the conference. Authors should be available at their poster during this time for discussion with conference participants.

Bring your poster printed in the format prescribed by the conference organizers in the second announcement.

Posters will be fully onsite.

All posters will also be included as a PDF on the platform and an asynchronous chat will be available during the conference to communicate and discuss ideas with authors.

Download PME 47 Conference submission template

PME 47 Template 2024 (DOCX, 34.3 KB)